Saturday, January 12, 2013

Foster's Reflection


1. I have learned that within the sport, shot put, the elements of physics play a fundamental role in determining the distance the shot put can be thrown. I have learned the factors that affect the shot put’s thrown range is the technique of how to throw it, power and strength exerted on the shot put (acceleration), angle of it being thrown, the air resistance, force of gravity, and the weight of the shot put. These elements can be known as the x and y axis of the forces. By making it into an x and y axis, we can determine the Forces. The main equation used is F=ma. F known as force, M known as mass, and A known as acceleration. The way how someone throws the shot put directly relates how much energy and force can be exerted by the motion; thus determining the distance. This connection also brings up the thought of how hard someone has thrown it which influences the end result as well. The angle plays an instrument because 45o gives the best horizontal distance. Air resistance can be known as negligible at times but it does affect it somewhat. Force of gravity acts on the object 9.8m/s2 downward so it lowers the horizontal and vertical distance that may be achieved.

            2. All these concepts and ideas we have learned are all essential in physics. The questions and information we receive from a question may be simply but applying them to an equation can be difficult at times. If one were to forget a force or misinterpret the direction of a force, it can drastically alter the answer. For example, for ladder questions, there are 2 push back forces (FN). To find a force of friction (Ff), we have to use the formula: Ff = u FN. This can lead to confusion because of the 2 FN we could apply to the equation. Also, the common mistake of forgetting to make the acceleration negative will change the answer. However, it may not always be negative but it usually is.

            3. My problem solving skills is mainly focused on my capabilities to study more at home to make sure I understand the concept. I excel at paying attention in class (my strength) but, at times, I become lazy and do not focus at home (my weakness). I tend to draw out a complete picture and visualize every aspect of a force that may affect the object. In this case, a shot put’s force. By writing out every step, it prevents minor and simple mistakes that may completely change the answer to a question. This picture also helps me understand the question better since I can easily relate it.

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